After Ligabue, the most important artist of the 20th century, the best Italian Naive Artist has one of the most magnificent workshops I have ever seen. Someone very very special Nerone S. Terzi, Nerone, was born in 1939 in Villarotta di Luzzarra, in the region of Reggio Emilia, Italy. He is a painter, sculptor, writer, poet and musician.
Being the oldest of seven children who grew up in poverty with an alcoholic and abusive father, later also becoming that alcoholic, recovering from the disease and day by day losing a part of his wife, the big love of his life, to the invasive Alzheimer’s disease, until after almost 14 years of suffering she passed away in the autumn of 2012… Life has been challenging to say the least. The creation of each and every one of his artworks has always been, is and always will be a way to release deep-rooted emotions which stir up inside and are best let out through this surreal ability of creation that god has given him.(l più grande di sette fratelli, cresce in una famiglia povera con un padre alcolizzato e violento. Lui stesso alcolizzato ma poi curatosi, perde la moglie, il grande amore della sua vita, nell’autunno del 2012, dopo quasi 14 anni di sofferenze dovute all’Alzheimer. La vita è stata dura con lui.) Autodidact, he started painting at the age of thirty (1969) immediately displaying in his work an explosive personality and an undeniable level of expressive potential.
His mentor, Antonio Ligabue, of whom he was the chauffeur for several years, was one of the most important Naïve artists of the 20th century…